Our Overhead conveyor blast machines

Overhead conveyor blast machines

Compound material cleaning, roughening and hardening solutions

The cutting edge of overhead conveyor shot blasting

Drawing on solid experience in the industry, Turbotecnica has come up with overhead conveyor blast machine technology that allows you to optimize your workflow for the surface treatment, reconditioning and pre-painting preparation of both metal and non-metal surfaces.

We offer a custom-engineering service to tailor our systems to your needs, allowing you to choose the size and load capacity that suits you best. Overhead conveyor blast machines can be installed directly on the floor with no need for any prior structural work and come with their own self-cleaning filter.

Equipment catering to your every production requirement

With the option of installation in line with a painting or coating system, the TC overhead conveyor blast machine exploits the features of an overhead conveyor for surface treatment jobs on medium and large items. The DELTAMATIC model delivers high performance for cleaning and deburring castings, pressings, forgings and heat-treated parts.

With the aid of motorized hoists, the BETA overhead conveyor blast machine allows for optimal processing of surfaces of any size and weight. Our DELTA systems, on the other hand, offer unbeatable application versatility.
All our shot blasting machines can be fitted with special fire-prevention systems.

We are a one-stop shop for all your shot blasting needs, covering numerous market sectors

Find out more about our range of blast machines and sandblasters